Tag: Hadoop
Apache Spark: The Next Big (Data) Thing?
Since Apache Spark became a Top Level Project at Apache almost a year ago, it has seen some wide coverage and adoption in the industry. Due to its promise of being faster than Hadoop MapReduce, about 100x in memory and 10x on disk, it seems like a real alternative to doing pure MapReduce. Written in…
Big Data and Data Warehouse Architecture
Further development and new additions to the Hadoop framework, such as Stinger from HortonWorks or Impala from Cloudera try to bridge the gap between traditional EDWH architectures and big data architectures. Especially Stinger.next initiative with the goal of speeding up Hive and delivering SQL 2011 standard to use on Map / Reduce Hadoop clusters makes…
SQL on Hadoop: Facebook’s Presto
Earlier this month Facebook open sourced its own product for using SQL on Hadoop. It is called Presto and is something like Facebook’s answer to Cloudera’s Impala or Hortonwork’s Stinger already presented in an earlier post called SQL and Hadoop on this site. Presto is unlike Hive and more like Impala, since it doesn’t rely…
SQL and Hadoop
Bringing SQL to Hadoop has been one of the major trends in Big Data these last twelve months. Reason enough for me to take a closer look at that scene right now. One reason to build an interface based on SQL for Hadoop is to make the technology available for more people. Companies that have…
REST (Representational state transfer) APIs and Big Data
Getting data, huge amounts of data, out of some systems tends to be quite a hazzle sometimes. Often you are required to use techniques such as FTP or SSH for transfering files. But with RESTful APIs getting more attention in the last few years, there is a new way to get your data. The charm…
Hadoop and MPP
With Big Data Map/Reduce is always the first term that comes into mind. But it’s not the only way to handle large amounts of data. There are databasesystems especially built to deal with huge amounts of data and they are called Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) databases. MPP database systems have been around for a longer…
Data Science Tools
What tools are used for Data Science? There are a lot of them out there and in this post I want to tell you about the ones I currently use or used before. KNIME is a graphical tool to analyse data. It uses an interface to build process flows that contain everything, from data transformation,…
Data Science and Machine Learning
Machine Learning is acknowlegded as a part of Data Science, but will it be able to replace a Data Scientist? There have been several articles around that topic in the last few years and months. It’s true there has been some major progress in the field of machine learning and there are already articles about…