There are many fields in which big data can improve results. One of these being (e-)learning. Until recently the focus on analysing learning lay on analysing results of exams but with big data and analytics there are new possibilities to enhance the experience of learning as a whole. For example there is the possibility to personalize learning and helping students to achieve better results. Big Data makes this possible in nearly real time. There is the possibility to help students in the process of learning, as soon as the programm realizes a problem and providing a solution in the workflow, instead of the student having to stop his learning process for his problem to be solved and then continue. This also applies for working environments.
Not only inside a process of learning or work analysing data can come in handy. Even after a course is finished analysing the data produced during the course by all students can help optimize the course and resulting exam. Identifying where users got stuck or what was to easy will improve the learning experience for everyone.
There are already efforts to integrate this into the learning experience like Predictive Analytics Reporting (PAR) Framework.
PAR is trying to integrate several data sources and base their studies on this data instead of the studies that are based on individual programms. This approach broadens the base and this may make it able to find other (better) insights into the educational system of the U.S.
Big Data in Learning
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