Tag: Machine Learning

  • Bringing machine learning models into production

    Developing and bringing machine learning models into production is a task with a lot of challenges. These include model and attribute selection, dealing with missing values, normalization and others. Finding a workflow that puts all the gears, from data preprocessing and analysis over building models and selecting the best performing one to serving the model…

  • Apache Spark: The Next Big (Data) Thing?

    Since Apache Spark became a Top Level Project at Apache almost a year ago, it has seen some wide coverage and adoption in the industry. Due to its promise of being faster than Hadoop MapReduce, about 100x in memory and 10x on disk, it seems like a real alternative to doing pure MapReduce. Written in…

  • Big Data in Learning

    There are many fields in which big data can improve results. One of these being (e-)learning. Until recently the focus on analysing learning lay on analysing results of exams but with big data and analytics there are new possibilities to enhance the experience of learning as a whole. For example there is the possibility to…

  • Data Science and Machine Learning

    Machine Learning is acknowlegded as a part of Data Science, but will it be able to replace a Data Scientist? There have been several articles around that topic in the last few years and months. It’s true there has been some major progress in the field of machine learning and there are already articles about…

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